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Emergency Services 24 Hours a Day Seven Days a Week

Emergency services are sometimes unavoidable. If you are desperately searching for an emergency services company for your facility after you have found a problem, you should have scheduled regular maintenance with LES Facility Service. Don’t worry, though – we also handle emergency services when they do arise.

LES Facility Service is a division of Lloyd’s Electric Service, Inc., and can provide you with immediate relief to your emergency services problems whether you have a broken main or your septic tank is overflowing. We take care of more than just electrical emergencies, we are a total solution provider for your facilities. Regardless of the day or night, LES Facility Service has the tools and the experience to keep your business running as it should. If you own a busy restaurant, the last thing you need to deal with is an overflowing toilet.

LES Facility Service is your one stop shop, and although the unthinkable shouldn’t happen, it can and usually does and that’s where emergency services from LES Facility Service comes in.

Both large and small facilities have an infrastructure that needs to run as smooth as the staff and the rest of the operations. If a packing plant isn’t well insulated and the team depends on the A/C to keep the line moving, regular HVAC maintenance is essential if the business wants to avoid emergency services.

When you call LES Facility Service for emergency services, a licensed and knowledgeable team will arrive to the location to assess the situation. Once a conclusion has been determined, the problem will be solved soon after, causing very little disruption to the workplace. If an emergency should occur during working hours, you can be assured that LES Facility Service will do their best to make everyone as comfortable as possible.

Don’t let an unexpected situation ruin your day or week. Reach out to us for emergency facility services now at (865) 692-6700. It could mean the difference between a productive and a non-productive month.


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