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planned maintenance solutions

Planned Maintenance Solutions Regardless of the Industry

Planned maintenance solutions shouldn’t be taken for granted, especially if you are dependent on your machine shop manager to do double duty. They may know plenty about your company’s HVAC system servicing, but if it takes away from what they are supposed to be doing, it could create more downtime.

When you assign additional tasks to your team members, you are burdening your entire company. If your telecom system should go down suddenly, and your IT person isn’t anywhere in sight, you don’t want your receptionist spending time away from their normal tasks trying to find a telecom repair company who can come out at a moment’s notice.

LES Facility Service takes the guesswork out of planned maintenance. As a division of Lloyd’s Electric Service, Inc., the company follows the same strong work ethic as its parent company. We saw the need for planned maintenance in all industries and created LES Facility Service to fill the void.

Multiple Maintenance Solutions with One Service

Just like a medical center, LES Facility Service provides companies with planned maintenance solutions under one roof so to speak. When you contact LES Facility Service for a no-obligation quote, a team of technicians will come to your facility, not just one person. When the licensed, bonded professionals inspect your workplace everything will be taken into account including any repairs that may be needed.

LES Facility Service helps prevent unnecessary repairs with planned maintenance. Everything from the HVAC system to your new solar panels will be inspected according to the planned maintenance schedule.

Lighting – Cost Savings and Planned Maintenance

If you are thinking about installing more energy efficient lighting, talk to LES Facility Service about LED and green alternatives. The money you save on electrical costs for lighting can be well worth it. Don’t take our word for it, get a cost analysis and see the savings!

A successful business takes planned maintenance solutions. Call and get your planned maintenance solutions from LES Facility Solutions. It really is the affordable option for planned maintenance.

Call today.


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