Industrial Lighting for Safety and Assurance
Industrial lighting must improve productivity, and most importantly, safety. Lloyd’s Electric Service, Inc., who has been established as a leader in the electrical contracting field, has recently launched LES Facility Service to provide your industrial lighting, parking lot lighting and LED parking lot lights.
Regardless of your industry, your industrial lighting is at the core of your workday. If your fluorescent overheads are causing your team squint while imputing data because they keep flickering on and off, your bottom line will probably take a hit.
LES Facility Service provides facilities just like yours with the latest products and technologies to ensure your industrial lighting is working as it should. Ask LES Facility Service about Trydon® products for both interior and parking lot lighting Trydon® provides common sense solutions, and as a result, will save money.
Examining your current industrial lighting should be a priority, especially if you are seeing an increase in your electric bills. When you schedule an appointment with LES Facility Service for an inspection, your industrial lighting and parking lot lighting will be checked to ensure that you are getting the best out of your electrical system. If you could do better, LES Facility Service will also recommend the best electrical solutions for your needs.
Some of the Industrial Lighting Services Provided Include:
• Neon Repair
• LED Repairs
• Bucket Truck Services
• Ballast and Lamp Change Outs
• Electrical Installations and Repairs
• Circuit Repairs and Installations
• Electronic Reader Board Repairs
• Retro Fit Parking Lot Lights
• Pole Light Repairs
LES Facility Service Also Provides:
• Photocell/Time Clock Replacement and/or Installation
• Install and Repair Plugs and Outlets
• Find Underground Wire Faults
• Lighting System Controls
• Crane Truck Services
• Concrete Pole Base Installation
• New Fixture Installs
• Security Lighting Installation
• Flood Light Installation
Don’t take a chance with your industrial lighting. Call LES Facility Service for a no obligation quote, including LED parking lot lights, for maintenance of installation.
You will be amazed at how much you will save. Call now.