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Why You Need a Licensed Electrical Contractor

A licensed electrical contractor is the only person you should call if you need electrical work done on your home or commercial property. Unfortunately, not all contractors are licensed to perform electrical work, which could cause some serious problems. Lloyd’s Electric Service, Inc. in Knoxville is licensed and bonded and can provide you with a licensed electrical contractor whether you want to install that new spa that you bought yourself for Christmas, or just want to swap out some old electrical outlets.

Hiring a handyman to paint your spare room isn’t a problem, but if you hire a Jack-Of-All-Trades to update your wiring, you could be in trouble, especially if you ever want to resell your home.

Potential buyers will want to see permits and proof that any electrical work was carried out by a licensed electrical contractor, otherwise you will be looking at all kinds of problems. There always needs to be electrical permits obtained from your town or city with an inspection following the job to make sure that everything is up to code.

Unfortunately, if you hire an unlicensed electrical contractor or a handyman who claims to do electrical work there may not have been a permit. That same person may decide not to install necessary safety equipment just to save money. Fault breakers, which are required by code, may be skipped just to save a dollar or two. What’s worse is that you may not even know about it as your lights and appliances will still work, but if there is a problem, you will not be aware until something bad happens such as a fire.

When it comes to new home building, remodeling or any other type of construction that requires electrical work call Lloyd’s Electric Service in Knoxville for a no obligation quote. It really is worth your while to work with a licensed electrical contractor. Call for a quote today.

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