Commercial Plumbing Solutions to keep Business Flowing
Commercial plumbing is the foundation of any business facility. Commercial plumbing must be maintained, regardless of the size of your building. If you don’t, an unplanned visit from an emergency industrial plumbing contractor is definitely in the cards.
Why Commercial Plumbing Services from LES Facility Service
Lloyd’s Electric Service, Inc., created the LES Facility division to help customers with facility solutions for large and small companies. With commercial plumbing, electrical, landscaping, custodial, and lighting, being just a few of the services we provide, LES Facility Service gives your facility complete professional care. In addition, we are licensed bonded and insured giving you peace of mind when you need it most.
What Happens During a Commercial Plumbing Inspection?
During a plumbing inspection, the team from LES Facility Service will inspect your plumbing system and everything that goes along with it. Whether you have a town sewage system or run your business using a septic tank, LES Facility Service has the tools you need to keep your business flowing.
What if I Need a Commercial Plumbing Upgrade?
A plumbing upgrade is determined by age and use. If your plumbing system has seen better days, a plumbing upgrade is in order. LES Facility Service has the best contacts with quality commercial plumbing system manufacturers. As a result, you will have the best plumbing for your facility.
Can I Prevent a Plumbing Upgrade?
Regular maintenance will prevent your pipes from rust and keep them clean. However, if a pipe should burst unexpectedly a plumbing upgrade is inevitable. An industrial plumbing contractor from LES Facility Service has the knowledge and experience to do the job right. As a result, the technician will provide you with the best plumbing upgrade at the most affordable price.
For all of your plumbing needs, you won’t do better than LES Facility Service. Call today for a plumbing upgrade quote.
Plumbing problems solved with a no obligation commercial plumbing consultation from LES Facility Service. Call now.