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factory shutdown

Expertly Executed Plant Shutdown with LES Facility Service

A plant shutdown, whether scheduled or unscheduled, affects production. When you work with the team from LES Facility Service, a division of the plant turnaround experts from Lloyd’s Electric Service, Inc., your shutdown will go as planned. Orchestrating a plant shutdown on your own will cause grief.

How to Ensure a Successful Shutdown

A successful shutdown and turnaround with plant expansions and/or modifications ensures future problems. Outdated equipment will cause an outage or permanent failure.

LES Facility Service are licensed, bonded, and insured giving you peace of mind for your planned or unplanned shutdown.

The support team from LES Facility Service will work with your entire team of plant managers, operators, and maintenance crew. This will help your production staff achieve milestones while scheduling key tasks to keep production moving.

What to Expect for a Successful Plant Shutdown

When you work with the shutdown experts from LES Facility Service your equipment will be inspected for damage.  After inspection recommendations on repair or replacement will be given you will be pleased with the results.

The streamlined planning and scheduling of shutdown and plant turnaround is executed with as little disruption as possible to your business. You can also expect LES Facility Services to handle time sensitive projects and demanding environments with knowledge and expertise taking the burden off you and the team.

After the Shutdown

After the plant shutdown, plant turnaround is professional. LES Facility Service handles industrial maintenance after your plant shutdown and plant turnaround. Trust LES Facility Service to take care of your needs.

While plant shutdowns and plant turnarounds are stressful, they don’t have to be. In addition to providing you with plant shutdown, LES Facility Service will lower your stress levels with affordable industrial maintenance.

For planned and unplanned plant shutdown, you can trust LES Facility Service. Call today.

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