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parking lot lighting design

Parking Lot Lighting Design for Maximum Benefits

Parking lot lighting design for any business must be commercially installed, serviced, and repaired. Parking lot lighting is especially important for companies that rely on commercial site lighting for safety. However, when it comes to a salesperson selling vehicles, car dealership lot lighting makes all the difference in the world.

Parking Lot Lighting Design Makes a Difference

Slapping up any old lighting won’t do you any favors, nor will it sell more cars, trucks, SUVs, or vans. Commercial site lighting must be up to code and working when you need it most. If you own a car lot that means car dealership lot lighting 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

A large staff turnover indicates a problem. That problem is probably your parking lot lighting design because most people don’t enjoy working in the dark trying to make a buck or two.

Car Dealership Lighting and Parking Lot Lighting

Much different to the parking lot lighting you will find at your local strip mall or manufacturing plant, car dealership lighting requires a parking lot lighting design that works to your benefit by showcasing the cars on your lot.

Working with a parking lot design expert from LES Facility Service, a division of Lloyd’s Electric Service, Inc., takes the guesswork out of commercial site lighting.

Parking Lot Lighting Design to Show off Your Assets

If you own or manage a luxury car lot and are in charge of car dealership lot lighting, talk to LES Facility Service. With a detailed parking lot lighting design in hand, you will sell more vehicles.

Every licensed electrical contractor from LES Facility Service has years of experience. As licensed and bonded electrical contractors your commercial site lighting will be installed, serviced, maintained, and repaired.

Be sure and ask LES Facility Service about a facility maintenance agreement. Once your parking lot lighting design is in place, maintenance is a must. Call for a no obligation parking lot lighting design quote today.

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