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Knoxville Building Contractor for Better Commercial Remodels and Expert Emergency Maintenance

A building contractor that is licensed and insured has the experience and knowledge for commercial remodels and emergency repairs.

As a result, the bonded and licensed building contractors from LES Facility Service, a division of Lloyd’s Electric Service, Inc., are also equipped to handle retail services for Knoxville businesses of all types.

A Building Contractor to Oversee It All

When you hire LES Facility Service, a building contractor will arrive at your Knoxville facility ready to give you a quote for commercial remodels, retail services, and emergency maintenance. With LES Facility Service, you really do get it all. Need landscaping? Ask an LES Facility Service building contractor about revitalizing your landscaping.

Retail Services from a Building Contractor

If your Knoxville, Tennessee retail complex is in need of service, call LES Facility Service. Because services offered by LES Facility Service include parking lot lighting, Egress lighting, plumbing, electrical, cleaning, and also painting.

Just call and ask about the available maintenance programs from LES Facility Service.

A Building Contractor for Emergency Maintenance

Emergencies happen and that is where a licensed contractor comes in. An emergency maintenance agreement from LES Facility Service prevents a disaster from happening with on-call solutions and emergency maintenance. As a result, having a licensed, bonded, and insured contractor onboard takes the stress and strain out of running your commercial enterprise.

Commercial Remodels from a Licensed Building Contractor

If your Knoxville facility is in sad need of repair, talk to LES Facility Service about commercial remodels. Consequently, you will get one quote for plumbing, painting, electrical, and building. LES Facility Service even handles your landscaping and parking lot lighting needs.

LES Facility Service really is the best. Find out how you and your facility can save money with maintenance agreements that fit your business while addressing your needs.

For the best building contractor in Knoxville, call LES Facility Service. Commercial remodels, retail services and more are just a phone call away. Make that call today.

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