Generator Maintenance Keeps You Out of the Dark
General maintenance is the key to generator service. If you aren’t servicing your emergency power source, it may not cooperate the next time the lights go out.
Generator maintenance for an emergency power system from Lloyd’s Electric Service, Inc., keeps the power on while keeping everyone in the household safe.
Why Generator Maintenance is Essential
If you spent the summer at grandmas because of numerous power outages, it’s time to call Lloyd’s Electric Service. Generator service is an essential part of generator maintenance. In addition, your warranty will stay intact as well.
A generator manufacturer will not honor your warranty if you neglected maintenance. Your guarantee won’t be honored without generator service from a licensed Generac repair person.
Generator Maintenance for Emergency Power
In addition to keeping your warranty intact, generator maintenance and generator service prevent unnecessary complications from a power outage. No power means no electricity. That means no food and no lights. Another trip to grandmas may be necessary if you don’t call the professionals from Lloyd’s Electric Service.
Generator Service
Assuring that your Generac whole house generator is working to capacity a whole house generator service is the only way to protect your investment.
Much like a car or other major purchase, a generator needs to be maintained and serviced. You won’t get your money’s worth if you don’t keep up with generator service and generator maintenance.
Regular Service Even When Not in Use
Service regularly and you’ll avoid a breakdown. Due to off and on use, a whole house generator needs regular attention. You probably won’t lose your power once a week due to lack of power outages. That means maintenance is even more important.
Call and schedule a generator maintenance consultation with Lloyd’s Electric Service. The emergency power experts are ready to take your call or email today.