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Backup Power for Rural Living

Backup power is an essential part of rural living. Any property owner understands the importance of backup power for rural living.

I Already Have Portable Backup Power

Lloyd’s Electric Service, Inc., explains that blackouts occur anywhere at any time. Your portable generator may have done the job during the last storm, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a backup system installed in your home?

Generac Power Pro Dealer in East Tennessee, Lloyd’s Electric Service distributes and installs backup power systems. Those systems will leave the lights on, and much more.

Unlike portable generators that only have enough power for one task, Generac delivers. Because of 22,000 watts of power from Generac, your favorite TV show won’t go unwatched.

Specializing in the custom design and installation of industrial, commercial, and home emergency and standby backup Generac generators, Lloyd’s Electric Service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

What are My Backup Power Options?

While some home generator companies offer one solution for backup power, LES Facility offers four, with specials discounts on the three and five year service agreement.

• On-Demand Maintenance
• Two Year Service Agreement
• Three Year Service Agreement
• Five Year Service Agreement

Why Choose Lloyd’s Electric for Backup Power

Recognized as a Power Pro Elite Generac dealer for over three years, Lloyd’s Electric Service delivers what they promise with outstanding customer service like no other. Every trained team member provides customers with product and service support.

Power outages, even in areas where they are scarce, happen. Natural disasters such as tornados and cyclones will occur, and although rare, a terrorist attack on a power station isn’t out of the question in this day and age.

For emergency power you can trust, Generac Generators from LES Facility Service has got you covered. Call for a no obligation quote.

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