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Even Simple Jobs may require a Licensed Electrician

If you have to fight to see the credentials of the Licensed Electrician that you are considering for your next electrical job, run the other way and talk to Lloyds Electric Service.

Lloyd’s Electric Service are the professionals when it comes to your commercial, industrial, or residential electrical needs. Lloyd’s Electric Service in Knoxville can even prepare your home or commercial building if you have been thinking about installing an Electrical Vehicle Charging center. If you are considering a charging station for your vehicle, it is imperative that you contract a licensed electrician who will do the job right.

When it comes to your electrical needs, you or a friend or family member should never attempt an electrical job that is best left to a Licensed Electrician. It really is the silly season and if you need to install a few more outlets for your Christmas light display don’t do it yourself. It may seem like a walk in the park after talking it over with your neighbor after a few cold ones, but Lloyd’s Electric Service will tell you that is simply not so.

Every electrical job, whether it be installing a few new outlets, or replacing a circuit breaker is best left to a licensed electrician from Lloyd’s Electric Service.

This Christmas don’t risk life and limb, even if you think the job is simple enough. Call Lloyd’s Electric Service today for a no obligation quote.

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