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Morristown Handyman Services from the Professionals

Finding a handyman isn’t easy, especially if you have a job that requires a licensed contractor. Skimping on the important stuff to save money is a useless exercise.

Not every contractor in Morristown is bonded and insured. Hiring an unlicensed handyman to do your commercial remodeling could land you in hot water when it comes time to inspect your commercial remodeling project.

But Wait There’s More

You do not even want to consider the price you will have to pay if your unlicensed handyman falls off a ladder and ends up in the hospital. That so-called professional is not licensed, bonded or insured in most cases. Losing everything is a real possibility with an unlicensed contractor.

Handyman Services From a Professional Company

Undertaking a commercial remodeling project takes time and planning. Hiring your brother in law who considers himself a Jack-Of-All-Trades is not the best idea. A licensed contractor from LES Facility Service, a division of Lloyd’s Electric Service, Inc., handles all of the details and has the experience and expertise to provide your Morristown business with professional results.

Commercial Remodeling from a Licensed Handyman

LES Facility Service has been in the facility maintenance and facility management industry in Morristown and throughout East Tennessee for decades. Each licensed commercial contractor has the experience for commercial remodeling.

After project completion, LES Facility Service also handles landscaping and facility maintenance.

Think Twice Before Hiring an Unlicensed Contractor

As mentioned above, an unlicensed handyman is just that, unlicensed, uninsured, and certainly not bonded. LES Facility Service only hires licensed contractors for building, plumbing, electrical, painting, parking lot lighting, and egress lighting. LES Facility Service takes care of commercial cleaning once you are up and running as well.

For the best professional handyman services in and around Morristown, Tennessee, call for a no-obligation quote from LES Facility Service. It sure beats an unfortunate accident with an unlicensed contractor. Call for a quote today. Your professional maintenance, commercial remodels, lighting and plumbing needs are a call away. Make it today.

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