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Industrial Generators for an Uninterrupted Workday

Industrial generators provide uninterruptible power supply to your facility. A diesel generator keeps your business running so that every workday is a productive workday.

If your facility experiences a power failure and you are not prepared, it could cost you more than an interruption to your workday.

 Industrial Generators Keep Businesses Prepared

With industrial generators for uninterruptible power supply, you are being proactive. If a power outage occurs, you are protecting your facility prior to a blackout.

According to Lloyd’s Electric Service, Inc., most commercial businesses do not have industrial generators to handle a large power failure, and if they do, have probably not been tested.

In 2003, New York City had a major blackout, and although the majority of those hospitals had backup generators, half of them had backup power generator failure. Insufficient industrial generators didn’t do the job due to a lack of knowledge.

Perform a Facility Assessment for Industrial Generators

Lloyd’s Electric Service recommends an assessment of your power facility because this will help determine your needs. Your factory could shut down if a blackout occurs. Having a diesel generator in place will prevent this from happening.

Power outages and blackouts occur more often thanks to severe weather. Unplanned disturbances can take down an entire system. While the United States power grid has seen some improvement, it is having a tough time handling heavier loads.

Have a Backup Uninterruptable Power Supply Plan in Place

no matter the facility, it is vital that you have a plan in place to protect your business from a power outage. Lloyd’s Electric Service recommends that you have a diesel generator in place. Schedule an appointment with Lloyd’s Electric Service to determine if your uninterruptible power supply is large enough to handle your systems. Lloyd’s Electric Service can test your load and review for additional requirements.

Don’t let a power outage interrupt your workplace. Call Lloyd’s Electric Service for an industrial generator quote today.

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